Mako – Sea World, Orlando
Opening 2016, SeaWorld Orlando will debut a shark-inspired roller coaster named Mako. What is different about this coaster you may ask? Its top speed of 73 mph and a drop from 200 feet will make it the fastest, tallest and longest thrill ride in Central Florida, according to Sea World. As of today Universal has the highest and fastest roller coasters in Orlando. The Incredible Hulk is the fastest at 67 mph and Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is the tallest with an adrenaline-filled drop of 167 feet, so Mako promises to top both of these coasters’ numbers!
The ride vehicles will hold 28 people in rows of four and the scariest part is that there will be no over-the-shoulder restraints. Lap bar only. Are you brave enough to face the Mako?[/one_half_last]
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Skyscraper – International Drive, Orlando
Estimated to open in 2017, the world’s tallest roller coaster, will tumble, twist, loop and dive from more than 500 feet above International Drive. So, you are wondering how come you just hear us say that Mako was going to be the tallest and now Skyscrapper is claiming the title. Well, Mako is set to open in 2016 so it’ll hold the title for a little while before the Skyscraper make its debut.
The coaster will be the main feature of the 495,000-square-foot Skyplex that will also have arcading, simulators, rock climbing, bars, restaurants and retail stores. The attraction’s observation deck will offer views 535 feet from the ground, and it will be accessible by glass elevators. The observation deck will be a competitor to the new Orlando Eye that has just recently opened up. To learn more about the Orlando Eye check out this blog post.
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BONUS: Cobra’s Curse– Bush Gardens, Tampa
This one will not be located in Orlando, but it’s just a quick car ride away. Cobra’s Curse is expected to open in 2017 at Bush Gardens, which is THE theme park for roller coaster lovers. Cobra will feature a vertical lift, forward motion, backward motion and free spinning. The theme will be around Egyptian archeological excavation site where explorers will come face-to-face with an 80-foot snake icon and trek over the park’s Serengeti Plain.
The 70-feet tall and 2,100-feet long ride will have speeds greater than 40 mph and should take about three and a half minutes to ride!
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